The New Kitchenhoarder!

Hello everyone! Kitchenhoarder has a shiny new home at kitchen

Chai Tea Hot Chocolate

This has to be a quick one, I've got an exam tomorrow! But after that, I can really settle into the festive mood. It's going to feel so good. 

So, I'm pretty bad for stress eating. Even though I'm pretty healthy most of the time, give me an exam or an essay to do and I'll be eating all kinds of junk. I watch a lot of crappy TV, like programs where they analyse people's eating habits and force them to exercise. If I had to go on one of those, they'd probably tell me I have a bad relationship with food. WHATEVER! 

When I stress-eat, I always want chocolate. And it's cold, so I want HOT chocolate. THIS hot chocolate. I know it sounds weird, putting tea in hot chocolate. But it so works, I swear. Just think of tea as another spice in the Chai spice mix. It doesn't taste like tea with chocolate in it. If I hadn't told you, you probably wouldn't taste the tea. So do yourself a favour and try this. It takes a little more effort than most, but it's so worth it.

Chai Tea Hot Chocolate
Makes 2 mugs-full

2 teaspoons loose black or other plain tea or 2 teabags
500ml milk
100ml double cream
200g dark chocolate, roughly chopped

[I used ground spices because that's what I have, but I had to strain the spiced milk with a cheesecloth to make sure none of the spices got in. You can definitely use whole spices if you prefer, but the quantities are approximations.]

Spice Mix:
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon, or 3 sticks cinnamon, broken into rough pieces
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves, or 6 whole cloves
1 teaspoon ground ginger, or thumb-sized knob of fresh ginger, sliced into rough pieces
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg, preferably freshly-grated
4 black peppercorns, whole

Pour the milk, tea and spice mix into a saucepan. Over a low heat, bring to just below boiling point (lightly simmering, with small bubbles forming around the edges) and then take off the heat. Leave to infuse for an hour. Strain into a bowl or jug and remove the used spices and tea.

Next, in another saucepan, combine the double cream and dark chocolate. Heat gently over a low heat, until the chocolate starts to melt. Stir and when the cream and chocolate are fully combined, immediately start whisking in the spiced milk, making sure it mixes well.

Heat until just below boiling point, divide into two mugs, and garnish with whipped cream or marshmallows. Serve!

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